I have been writing for over forty years and have had over 300 short stories published, mainly in magazines such as Woman’s Weekly, My Weekly, People’s Friend, Yours, etc. Counting the numerous rejections along with the successes would have proved too depressing! As any author knows, you just get blasé about rejections and write on, learning as you go. Over the years, I have won many prizes in short story competitions.
I enjoy writing articles and have had a number published in national magazines. Currently, I have a monthly column in Writers’ Forum magazine. Each piece is on a particular aspect of creative writing – viewpoint, characterisation, dialogue, etc.
Also - writing in collaboration with my author husband, Robin Dynes - I have had two non-fiction books published under the title ‘Memory Joggers: Royalty and Entertainers’. (See ‘Books’ page for details)
In April, 2014, my non-fiction book: ‘Masterclasses in Creative Writing’ was published by How To Books (Constable & Robinson). (See ‘Books’ page)
Home Life
I have two adult sons (plus grandchildren!) and live in Poole, Dorset, with my second husband, Robin and two (literary) cats: Mr Darcy (a Persian) and Tess (a Birman). Hobbies: swimming, reading and the theatre.